I have been trying to save the images in .png format for my result in VAPOR 3.8.1 but it is failing to save. The error message reads as follows: “Error performing paint event. Failed to save image. pFunc(drawpng) Failed to execute”. Please guide me to solve this error.
Thanks for your reply to my query. I am using VAPOR on remote visualization on HPC. I was able to generate renderings (all of them, slices, flows, DVRs, iso-surfaces etc.) but the it was not able to save the output results in .png format also the session was crashing. The error message said it couldn’t find libjpeg.so.62 which was absent in our hpc. With the help of IT support team I could get the required libraries in our hpc and ultimately saved the result images.
Thanks Kamlesh. Just a couple followup questions: What HPC system are you running VAPOR on? And were you building it from its source code? Using our universal Linux installer (called an AppImage) in our 3.9.2 release should avoid problems like this in the future.