we have version 3.6.0 for Linux and we would like to use it on .sdf files (we run simulations using the Lare3d code). How do we convert them into .vdc? Unfortunately I wasn’t able to find any information about that anywhere. Thank you,
Hi, I’m not familiar with .sdf files. Is the gridded, or is observational point data? If it’s gridded, converting it to raw binary values is the best way to convert to VDC, or BOV.
PS - Looking at Lare3d, it looks like it has Lagrangian and Eulerian outputs.
For the Eulerian component, the best path forward is to convert those variables into raw binary files that just contain data values in your data brick.
For the Lagrangian component, those data values would need to be represented in NetCDF files according our DCP format. The DCP format is mentioned in the 3.7 release video at this timestamp.
Please let me know if any of this is unclear or if you have any questions. It sounds like this data can be read by vapor if it’s in the right format, but I don’t know how to convert it off hand.