Installation on a cluster


I have installed Vapor/3.2 and 3.3 on a linux cluster and have problems with the graphics. It works fine with the same nc files using the windows installation.
I suspected it had to do with -X or -Y forwarding but that is not the solution, what I have seen so far. Also

Some errors seen:
From Windows using mobaxterm:

QEGLPlatformContext: Failed to create context: 3009

From MAC using xterm/Xquartz:
qt.qpa.xcb: could not connect to display qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even though it was found.

Earlier, errors with openGL has shown up.

Do you know if this is quickly fixed or if earlier versions, like Vapor/2 may work?

Best regards

Hello Björn,

VAPOR requires OpenGL thus X-forwarding won’t work. For Linux installations, you have 2 options:

  1. sit in front of a monitor that’s directly connected to the Linux server;
  2. utilize a remote desktop environment that’s capable of making use of OpenGL on the server. In our experience, the TurboVNC coupled with VirtualGL works well.

Please let us know if this solution works for you!


Thank you for your reply!

Actually we were very close to this.

We had a wrapper and now, after removing some if statements regarding architecture it runs with the bash script vapor, where vapor.real is the original binary.

vglrun -c proxy "$runname" "$@"
#"$@" should not be necessary for just starting vapor

This works from thinlinc, mobaxterm and in mac terminal with ssh -Y (vapor opens in XQuartz).

Best regards

Hi Björn,

That’s a way to use vAPOR that I’m not aware of. Glad it finally works in your environment!
