The image is of low resolution for me when I capture single image in *.png or .tiff format, and I’m wondering how to improve the resolution of the image.
I have tried to change the framebuffer settrings for output width, and I think the image gets little clearer but it is still not clear enough when I zoom in.
Hi, the screen captured images will have the same resolution as either your visualizer window, or the dimensions of of the framebuffer that you set. Are your captured images differently sized?
Thank you, Pearse. I did capture differently sized images with different framebuffer settings. But these settings seems to change the size/width of the image only, but not to improve the dpi of the image.
I’m wondering how to improve the dpi of the image and if the dpi of captured images is related to the dpi of my macbook screen.
Thanks for your help again.
Thank you for your help and patience. It is true that the captured images are the same width/height as the framebuffer settings.
And my question is how to make the image more clearer. Because I found that even though I changed framebuffer settings, the resolution of the image is not high.
Later I found that it might be because I set the scale of Z axis to 10. When I set a lower scale, the image did get clearer.
I’m guessing that your simulation’s vertical resolution is small, compared to its horizontal resolution.
In this case, the z axis can appear to have low resolution because the renderings need to do interpolation between vertical layers. This interpolation can be excessive if the z axis is stretched too far. It’s a subjective/qualitative/artistic parameter in 3D visualization, and it almost always needs manual adjustment in my experience.
I understand the problem you’re facing, and I’m wondering if we should make this a prominent parameter in Vapor. I’ll open ticket #2896 on our github repository. Please comment if you think this would help.