Collapsing Axis Annotations onto Renderer Subdomain (Subregion)

I have several wrfout files that I am attempting to visualize using VAPOR. For context, I am using VAPOR version 3.9.2 on windows 11. I have visualized these data previously using VisIt, but I could not get the x, y, and z axes in lon, lat, and MSL height without significant massaging of the data. In VisIt, one could constrict the domain bounded by axis annotations using the “bounding box” in the 3D portion of the annotations tab. This appears to be similar to “Axis Annotations” in VAPOR. I set up a volume rendering of vertical velocity with the subregion shown:

I then tried to use the “Copy Region from Renderer” option in the Annotations tab, which did not work. The bounding box did not change size and the axis labels do not appear on the screen when the associated boxes are checked. If I change the max/ min values of the x/ y/ z axes in “Axis Annotations”, the x/ y/ z ticks constrict to the associated subregion but the bounding box size does not change to fit the defined subregion. Any suggestions on how I can set the axis labels/ bounding box to surround the renderer subdomain rather than the domain of the entire wrf file?


Hmm that should work as you expect. In your screenshot, the values seem pretty large. Could you provide a sample file so I can troubleshoot this?

Here is a google drive link to one of the files I am using:

Since I posted this, I’ve continued to tinker with the settings. I was able to move the x, y, and z axes to a better position by copy and pasting the values from the geometry tab in the volume renderer settings into the annotations tab and then changing the origin values. This more or less works for the visualizations I am trying to produce. It would be a lot less tedious if I could use the “Copy from Renderer” button though

Thank you for reporting this. This definitely seems like a bug. I’m going to try to prioritize a fix for our next release. Glad you found a workaround, but you should b e able to do this more easily.

I’m curious why the annotations are interpreting the extents differently from the renderers.

@jdegraw, could you try the installer at the link below? The issue should be fixed.

I just downloaded and tested it. Seems to be working as it should! The “copy from renderer” button now works in the Annotations tab. It also works between renderers (I can copy the geometry from one renderer to another renderer if needed using the same button). Thanks for your help!

Great, thank you for reporting this and testing it. Please let us know if VAPOR has helped with your publications and if you have any feature requests!