Failed to initialize derived coord variable

Dear all,

I want to draw the flow, but when I chose the flow renderer, vapor threw an error.

Error performing paint event
Update deltaT failed!
One of the selected volume dimension is zero!

It seems that this error is because my file only has one moment. Then I montage the files with different time using CDO, while the file can’t be imported.
The error is

Failure to open data set of type “cf”
Failed to get time coordinates
Failed to initialize derived coord variable
Can’t read time variable
Invalid time step: 1

This is the metadata of combined file.

I have carefully read the instructions for netCDF-CF and checked the difference of metadata between single file and combined file, still don’t identify what went wrong.
Is there anybody here who has met this error and perhaps knows a fix to the issue?


I don’t see anything obviously wrong in the metadata. Can you share the file itself?

(post deleted by author)

I have solved the problem of the file not opening, but it still reports

Error performing paint event
Update deltaT failed!
One of the selected volume dimension is zero!

Can you dump out the value of the ‘time’ variable? E.g.

ncdump -v time

It shows time = 135655.333333333, 135655.35, 135655.366666667, 135655.383333333, 135655.4

There is probably not enough precision internally to represent changes of 1/100th of a second. Can you try changing your time unit from “hours since 2001-01-01 00:00:00” to “hours” and only use the digits to the right of the decimal point. E.g.


In fact, the time resolution of my file is second. I just experiment with the above data. Therefore, I have changed the time unit to “second since 2016-01-01 00:00:00”.
Now the time = 15060000, 15060060, 15060120, 15060180, 15060240
But it still reports the same error.
This is the new file, - Google Drive

For some reason I always get some problems when I click on reply, the specific reply is above. Thanks for your help.

Thanks for providing the data set. I’ve opened an issue on GitHub here:

We will get this addressed as soon as we can. You can check progress or provide additional information at the link above.

FYI there has been an update to your issue opened here: VAPOR doesn't support 1D coordinate variables that are monotonically decreasing · Issue #2848 · NCAR/VAPOR · GitHub