Hi Sam,
Thanks for your reply. I am able to save the flow output from the Vapor GUI without any issues for the same vdc file with similar settings. I am attaching couple of screenshots which show the settings and output for both the GUI and the Jupyter notebook.
Here’s some metadata on the variables
Time Coordinate Variable Name: Nt
Coordinate Variable Names: ['Nt', 'Nx', 'Ny', 'Nz']
Nt: 1
Nx: 640
Ny: 416
Nz: 416
Data Variables:
Time Varying: True
Dimensionality: 3
Coordinates: ['Nx', 'Ny', 'Nz']
Data Range: [-937.1851196289062, 996.595947265625]
Time Varying: True
Dimensionality: 3
Coordinates: ['Nx', 'Ny', 'Nz']
Data Range: [-943.1206665039062, 936.4452514648438]
Time Varying: True
Dimensionality: 3
Coordinates: ['Nx', 'Ny', 'Nz']
Data Range: [-1589.54736328125, 1943.1552734375]
Here’s the first few lines of the output text file which was correctly generated from the GUI for your reference:
# ID, X-position, Y-position, Z-position, Formatted-time, Raw-time
0, 326.000000, 124.000000, 5.000000, 2001-01-01_00:00:00, 0.000000
0, 326.315186, 123.630112, 6.155806, 2001-01-01_00:00:00, 0.002551
0, 326.544312, 123.290260, 7.189109, 2001-01-01_00:00:00, 0.005101
0, 326.781738, 122.937164, 8.334703, 2001-01-01_00:00:00, 0.008290
0, 326.990417, 122.545044, 9.690810, 2001-01-01_00:00:00, 0.012275
0, 327.165405, 122.084175, 11.252686, 2001-01-01_00:00:00, 0.017257
0, 327.266846, 121.592369, 13.043659, 2001-01-01_00:00:00, 0.023484
0, 327.283081, 121.156792, 14.653299, 2001-01-01_00:00:00, 0.029711
0, 327.225464, 120.688080, 16.502077, 2001-01-01_00:00:00, 0.037495
0, 327.088043, 120.156128, 18.605148, 2001-01-01_00:00:00, 0.047225
0, 326.851166, 119.570839, 21.042261, 2001-01-01_00:00:00, 0.059388
0, 326.479675, 118.911446, 23.798985, 2001-01-01_00:00:00, 0.074591
0, 325.905060, 118.182518, 26.947809, 2001-01-01_00:00:00, 0.093595
Also, I don’t know if it’s relevant, but in the first line of the python file, during the imports, I get the following warning:
import example_utils
from vapor import session, renderer, dataset, camera
Warning: sysroot "/Applications/Xcode_12.4.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk" not found (ignoring for now).
Vapor 3.8.3
Python 3.9.17 (/Users/avijeetp/mambaforge/envs/vapor_python)
OpenGL 4.1 INTEL-20.6.4
I am using Xcode 14.3.1 on macOS 13.5 and check that the SDK was correctly installed.
Let me know if you need any other information.