Spherical magnetic field

Presently, I use magnetic field in cartesian co-ordinates i.e. Bx, By and Bz. Now, I want to use spherical co-ordinates i.r. Br, Btheta and Bphi. Does VAPOR support this kind of data ?

Sorry, VAPOR does not presently support spherical coordinates. If this is a feature that you’d like to see in the future I encourage you to open an “enhancement” request on GitHub here

Hi Clyne,

Thanks for your reply. May I ask if you know about any other visualizers in spherical co-ordinates ?

MeteInfoLab has preliminary earth spherical coordinates supporting with some examples online: Earth global 3-D plots — MeteoInfo 3.0 documentation. You have to write Jython script to read and plot your data in MeteoInfoLab. Vapor is more powerful for 3D visulization effect and hope it will support spherical coordinates in near future.

Sorry, i’m now aware of anything that handles spherical coordinates.

What is it? Can you tell me what you are using to handle spherical coordinates?

@sandersbud4 - I think there’s a typo and @clyne is saying he’s not aware of a 3D visualization tool that handles spherical coordinates. Correct me if I’m mistaken. @Yaqiang is recommending an application called MeteInfoLab.

I believe VisIt supports spherical coordinates by transforming them onto a cartesian grid. Be aware that VisIt has a steep learning curve.

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Yes, that was a typo. I meant to say that I was not aware of any vis applications that handle spherical coordinates. However, as Scott say VisIt might, and ParaView would be worth a look as well.

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I willl also start using MeteInfoLab. Let’s see how much beneficial it is. However, thanks for the recommendation.

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