Unable to extract sample data

Hi, I am a new user. I was trying to extract the sample data. But for the wrf files ‘Marshallfire’ and ‘DUKU’ I can’t extract because the file name is causing an error as it contains unusual characters like colon. I tried ways to bypass this issue but nothing seems to be working as I can’t change the filename of a file in a zipped folder.

Could you try extracting the contents of the .zip files before trying to rename them? Also, which OS are you on?

The reason why I tried changing the filename in the first place is that the filename has characters that are not supported like hyphen ‘-’. So when I am trying to extract it as usual it’s giving me an error saying the filename is not correct. I am working on Windows 10

This is the error that I am getting while trying to extract:

"! C:\Users\Acer\Downloads\MarshallWildfire.zip: Cannot create MarshallWildfire\met\wrfout_d02_2021-12-31_02:45:00
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.

Thanks - this may be related to issue 3282. We will get around to that after we release 3.8.

Okay! Thank you for the clarification !!