Converting wrfout files to VDC on Mac

I recently installed Vapor onto my Mac running Catalina 10.15.6 and while I have had no trouble loading up WRF files, I am struggling to find a way to convert the wrfout files into VDC files. The wrfout files are quite large and I am wanting to import several at a time so the conversion becomes necessary.

The issue I am running into is that I have only seen direction on converting wrfout files into VDC files by using the command line, however a key issue is that I have no Vapor/ directory. In my /Applications directory there is only the file which when clicked opens Vapor. I have seen directions on sourcing the bin directory of my Vapor installation but it is nowhere on my system. In order to have the Vapor bin directory on my system do I have to compile the code manually as opposed to just running the .dmg file?

The VAPOR command line utilities for the Mac are installed in /Applications/ If you right-click on the file you can select “Show Package Contents”, which will allow you to browse the directory contents. Alternatively, you can manually add /Applications/ to your search path, or from the VAPOR GUI click on Tools/Install Command Line Tools. The latter doesn’t actually install anything; it simply modifies your .profile to add /Applications/ to your search path.

However, Install command lines tools does not work on Catalina with zsh shell. Any idea to solve this problem?

Hi Kasrash, the conversion utilities are located in /Applications/ (if you installed in /Applications. Otherwise replace “/Applications” with wherever is located). These are command line utilities so they have to be run from the command line. To run a program from the command line you have to type its full path. So, for example, to use wrfvdccreate, you would have to type:

/Applications/  YOUR_INPUT_WRF_FILE  OUTPUT.vdc

If you do the above you do not need to worry about the “Install Command Line Tools”.