Quick Tutorial for WRF-FIRE Output

Is there a quick tutorial on how to create a video of wildfire spread from a WRF-SFIRE output - similar to what’s shown in the Vapor Gallery?
For example: This is how to render the geo map. This is how to render the fire perimeter. This is how to render smoke plumes, etc.

Every tutorial is over 30 min long, generic, and with no clear outcome at the end, which is very frustrating for new users of Vapor, let alone WRF-SFIRE new users!


Stay tuned. Meanwhile, all tutorials have their subject matter timestamped in the video comments. You don’t need to slog through the whole thing if you know what you’re looking for. It sounds like you only need to watch portions on the Image, TwoDData, and Volume renderers for your use case.

But I do not cover fire perimeter or smoke in any of the videos. I’ll get permission to demo a wrf-fire dataset and demo it once that happens.

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Any update on the demo?

It should be available after we release version 3.8, in early January 2023.

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The newest video is about python integration. There is no fire case tutorial.

Could you just guide me on how to make a fire visualization with Vapor? I can even upload the wrfout file for you to make the fire spread video yourself, if that’s easier.

I’m currently working on a WRF-Fire visualization that I’ll use for a video tutorial, but it’s not ready yet.

In the meantime, you need to create an Image Renderer for the map, and a TwoDData Renderer for FIRE_AREA, and a Volume Renderer for the SMOKE variable.

Use the Transfer Function to adjust the color for your renderers. See the attached .tf3 files below, and load them via the Transfer Function if you’d like sample color maps for SMOKE and FIRE_AREA.

To make a video, configure your renderers as you like them and click Capture->Image Sequence->PNG in Vapor’s main menu. Vapor will prompt you for a prefix for your images. Then click the play button at the top of the GUI and let Vapor capture images for each of your timesteps. After that, you’ll need to use another application like ffmpeg to create an .mp4 from your .png files.

Here’s an ffmpeg command I’ve used in the past. You’ll care about changing the -r 10, which is the framerate, the c2_%04d.png refers to my files, which were prefixed with c2_, and c2.mp4 which is the output file name.

ffmpeg -r 10 -y -i c2_%04d.png -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p c2.mp4

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